Life is Sunshine and rainbows.

Life is Sunshine and rainbows.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Every time I turn around.

Im not sure if I like having kids I cant discipline since they aren't mine. This morning the 3 year old boy who is not potty trained, decided to refuse getting his diaper changed. In doing so, my couch got super peed on. Mad already, I take him upstairs to put him on the potty. He was on the potty while I cleaned the couch. I went up there to check on him and there is a LOG on the floor. He pooped and peed on the floor. I made HIM clean it up, but he kept throwing the tp in the potty before it was finished so there was a huge wad in there. I was going to hold half of it with the scrubber and flush then flush the rest so it didn't plug it. He decided to flush it even knowing I told him not to. Toilet CLOGGED. While I went to check on his sleeping sister, he DID pee in the toilet which I praised and rewarded him for. Well the first flush flooded my bathroom so now I have no towels to have a shower. I sent him downstairs while I finished cleaning. He did, and he emptied his sisters bottle on her and the dog. Now I have a sticky dog and sicky kid that cant bath and a wet bathroom. We borrowed the neighbours plunger and the situation is fiiiiiinally covered. Im glad I have the week off to re-coup.


  1. My mom ran her daycare as a "family" daycare. Not because it was run by the family but because the children where considered family and my mom their second mother. If the kids where in her house she was the "MOM". What she said went. No corporate punishment or anything like that but she laid down the rules and the punishment. Having him clean up his own mess is a good idea.

  2. HAHA I wrote corporate punishment. Yeah Kids do what I say or you'll be doing spreadsheets about profit and loss. I meant Corporal punishment.
