Im Newly married (9 August 2009). Moved across the country from BC to Petawawa Ontario April 2009 to support my (then) fiance in his military career choice. We don't have any kids yet, though we really want them. (We have names an everything picked out already!) We were planning on trying for kids as soon as we got married. This past March, however, Hubby was told hes going to Afghanistan on tour from February till September. Therefore, baby would be born while he is gone. Now, he is on standby to go over in April 2010. Since its not for sure and being the army will change a billion times, we decided to try for babies anyways. There will always be the chance that he can go over so now is better than any other time to try to become parents. Aside form that, I'm currently working at a dog groomers and possibly starting a doggy daycare in february through the groomers so Ill be getting more hours and more pay. Im hoping for a second job in addition for my days off and a few nights a week or full time of hubby does get his tour.
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